Trust The Beard is a grassroots organization with deep ties to Self-Development, Community Advocacy and at the bedrock of our organization, Financial Literacy.
It's in our soul to help.
We just so happen to do Mortgage really well.

Loan Bending is our exclusive and lifetime subscription-based Loan Officer program consisting of over 20 hours of video content covering an array of mortgage strategies and unconventional advice.
Book your free and private Team Beard presentation entirely tailored to your team’s marketing and productivity needs to learn how you can best boost your business.
At Trust The Beard we believe in world-class service for every customer. Therefore, we have researched and developed tools and strategies to make the home-buying process a more efficient and more enjoyable experience to buyers. Since “Team Work Makes the Dream Work”, make sure to browse through our resources if you’re an industry partner!

A glimpse at what we are up to: