Oscar Gallegos
The Woke Lender
Oscar is billingüal, tech savvy, patient, and understands people’s intrinsic motivations. Due to his high level of self-awareness and openness to knowledge that tests his understanding of conventional wisdom, Oscar strives to help raise kundalini through home ownership.
Oscar’s Three Pillars:
self-development | community advocacy | financial literacy
Oscar’s migration to the United States at age 18 dragged with it a wave of increasingly overwhelming barriers, sometimes cultural and other times intrapersonal. It was this experience that has greatly inspired and directed his self-development journey the past few years. Today, Oscar focuses on batleling and unlearning misinformation, seeking out larger and more diverse perspectives, and working towards making non-traditional information more accessible to others. He honors his self-development journey by nurturing relationships with people who are opened to the topics of consciousness and other practices.
Community Advocacy
Oscar’s curiosity drives him to constantly seek out new knowledge. In the future, he plans to fund a nonprofit organization with the purpose of substituting deeply rooted empirical knowledge with conscious knowledge, thus promoting and celebrating people's curiosity to know and understand themselves and the world better.
Financial Literacy
Oscar understands the need of accessible financial literacy knowledge amongst underrepresented groups. He strongly believes that it should be something children are exposed to at an early age because that is what he would have wanted for himself and his family.